Abstract | Montažni način gradnje smatra se najrazvijenijim oblikom industrijskog građenja. Kod montažnog
građenja elementi se najčešće proizvode u stacionarnom pogonu po industrijskim načelima. Postoji
više podjela građevina, tj. montažnih sustava koji se dijele s obzirom na konstrukciju (velikoplošne,
skeletne, prostorne i mješovite), s obzirom na korištene materijale izrade (od teških betona, lakih
betona, opekarskih proizvoda, drva, metala, umjetnih materijala, mješovitih materijala), s obzirom na
težinu (laki (<3t), srednje teški (3-7t), teški (>7t)), s obzirom na postotak montažnosti (polumontažni
(50%), montažni (50-90%), totalna montaža (>90%)) i s obzirom na namjenu objekta (stambeni, za
javne zgrade visokogradnje, sustavi za privredne objekte i dvorane, za mostove, za objekte
niskogradnje, za ostale objekte). Montažni sustavi proizvedeni u stacionarnom pogonu transportiraju
se na gradilište gdje se montiraju i finaliziraju u gotov objekt. Glavna sredstva za montažu su razne
dizalice i od njih se očekuje da svojim radom ne oštećuju element koji montiraju te da imaju
dvobrzinsko ili trobrzinsko dizanje. U procesu montaže mogu sudjelovati toranjska građevinska
dizalica, mobilna okretna dizalica, auto-dizalica, mobilna dizalica na gusjenicama, mobilna toranjska
dizalica, portalna dizalica, derik dizalica, šinska okretna dizalica i helikopter dizalica.
Nezainteresiranost ili nerazumijevanje graditelja, loša društvena percepcija, nedovoljna ulaganja u
istraživanja i razvoj montažnog građenja identificirani su kao najveći razlozi nedovoljne primjene
takve gradnje, međutim, unatoč navedenom, montažno građenje sve se više primjenjuje u cijelom svijetu. |
Abstract (english) | The assembly method of construction is considered the most developed form of industrial construction.
When assembling, the elements are most often manufactured in a stationary drive according to
industrial principles. There are more division of buildings, i.e. assembly systems that are divided into
structures (large, skeletal, spatial and mixed), with respect to the materials used (from heavy concrete,
lightweight concrete, brickwork, wood, metals, artificial materials, (50%), weight (<3t), medium
heavy (3-7t), heavy (>7t), depending on the percentage of assembly (half -sealing (50%), total
construction (>90%)) and considering the purpose of the building (residential, public building
buildings, commercial buildings and halls, bridges, civil engineering buildings, other facilities).
Prefabricated systems are manufactured in a stationary drive and transported to a building site where
they are mounted and finalized into a finished object. The main tools for mounting are various cranes
and they are expected to not be damaged by the work they do, and that they have two-speed or threespeed
lifting. The tower construction crane, the mobile crane, the crane, the mobile crane, the mobile
tower crane, the portal crane, the crane, the rocket crane and the helicopter crane can participate in
the assembly process. Insufficient investment in research and development of prefabricated building
has been identified as the main reasons for the insufficient application of such construction, however,
despite the above mentioned, prefabricated building is increasingly applied throughout the world. |