Title IT park Osijek
Title (english) IT park Osijek
Author Lea Petranović
Mentor Željko Koški (mentor)
Mentor Damir Markulak (konzultant) MBZ: 205066
Mentor Damir Varevac (konzultant) MBZ: 205070
Mentor Željko Šreng (konzultant) MBZ: 31773
Committee member Dina Stober (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Koški (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Lončar-Vicković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Markulak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Šperac (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-03-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism Architectural Design
Abstract Obuhvat IT parka nalazi se u južnom dijelu grada Osijeka. Cilj je prilikom projektiranja bio stvoriti pitomi urbani prostor oblikovan prema ljudskom mjerilu. Odabirom tipologije bloka stvara se urbani identitet mjesta. Izgradnja prati granice obuhvata te je prošupljena s obzirom na prostorni koncept. Postavljanje prometnice u smjeru istok-zapad najmanje je invazivno rješenje prolaska prometa kroz obuhvat. Otvaranjem pješačke zone smjera sjever-jug stvara se vizura na Graditeljsko-geodetsku školu te ujedno doprinosi pogledu iz učionica škole na središnji javni prostor IT parka. Parkirna mjesta smještena su u podzemnu garažu, dok parterom dominiraju pješaci biciklisti. Javni prostor markiraju pješački putevi te ga ujedno i separiraju na tri dijela fleksibilnog korištenja.
Izgradnja kroz obuhvat dijeli se kroz šest različitih parcela, katnost se većinom kreće od P+2 do P+5, uz apar akcenata od P+6, P+10 i P+14. Prizemlje južnog dijela bloka razbija se pješačkim prolazima i djelomično staklenom opnom te čine središnji javni prostor bloka otvorenijim i pristupačnijim za javnost, dok se sa zapadne i sjeverne strane zgrade zatvaraju prema okolnim neželjenim vizurama i orijentiraju se prema unutarnjem parku. Uz ulazne prostore i glavne komunikacije, prizemlja uglavnom sadrže ugostiteljstvo na terasama, kulturne sadržaje i uslužnu namjenu, a poslovni prostori smještaju se na katove.
Ciljevi planiranja IT parka bili su stvoriti stimulirajući urbani prostor pogodan za rad i život. Analize urbanog prostora bile su pretkorak u rješenju koje direktno odgovara na prostorne zahtjeve mjesta. Iščitane prostorne negativnosti oplemenjene su jasnom izgradnjom, dok su one pozitivne valorizirane prostornim odnosima praznina. Osim kvalitetnog odnosa izgrađenosti, možda je i bitniji onaj neizgrađeni. Prostor je oblikovan s pješakom u fokusu. Oblikovanjem ostvareni prostorni urbanitet stvara jasnu sliku prostora, dok se u njemu stvara pitoma atmosfera koja je podložna raznim režimima kvalitetnog korištenja.
Abstract (english) IT park is located in the southern part of the city of Osijek. The goal in designing was to create a gentle urban space shaped to human scale. Choosing the block typology creates the urban identity of the place. The construction follows the boundaries of the scope and is hollowed out with respect to the spatial concept. By laying the road in na east-west direction is the least invasive solution for traffic to pass through the coverage. The opening of the pedestrian zone in a north-south direction provides a view of the School of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, and also contributes to the view from the school classrooms to the central public space of the IT park. Parking spaces are located in the underground garage, while the ground floor is dominated by pedestrians and cyclists. The public space is marked by footpaths, and at the same time is divided into three part of flexible use. Construction through the scope is divided into 6 different plots, the number of floors mainly ranges from P + 2 to P + 5, with emphasis on P + 6, P + 10 and P + 14. The ground floor of the southern part of the block is broken by pedestrian passages and partly glass membrane that makes the central public space of the block more open and accesible to the public, while on the west and north sides of the buildings the surrounding unwanted views are closed. In addition to the entrance areas and main communications, the ground floor mainly contains catering terraces, cultural facilities and service purposes while business premises are located on the upper floors. The goals of the IT park planning were to create a stimulating urban space suitable for work and life. Analyzes of urban space were a step forward in a solution that directly corresponds to the spatial needs of the place. Spatial negativities are enriched by a clear construction, while the positive ones are valorized by the spatial relationships of the gaps. In addition to the build quality ratio, Unbuilt is perhaps more important. The space is designed with a pedestrian focus. The spatial creates a clear image of the space, while it creates a gentle atmosphere that is subject to different modes of use in quality.
javni prostor
Keywords (english)
public space
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:133:563179
Study programme Title: University Undergraduate Studies of Architecture and Urban Planning Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka arhitekture (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka arhitekture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-07-07 12:45:03