Abstract | U okviru šireg znanstvenoga projekta u ovome radu istražen je njegov dio koji se
odnosi na armirano-betonske okvire ispunjene zidnim ispunom. Trenutno dostupni propisi
većinom ne uzimaju u obzir zidni ispun pri proračunu takvih konstrukcija, a ako ga i uzimaju,
onda je taj proračun vrlo složen. Dosadašnja znanstvena istraživanja neosporno su potvrdila
da zidni ispun ima utjecaja na ponašanje armirano-betonskog okvira. Prije svega, to se odnosi
na poprečnu nosivost i poprečnu krutost.
U ovom radu provedena su eksperimentalna ispitivanja na armirano-betonskim
okvirima koji su naknadno ispunjeni zidnim ispunom. Model armirano-betonskog okvira
dobiven je na osnovu modela prototipa koji je pravilna armirano-betonska okvirna
konstrukcija tlocrtnih dimenzija 17x16m i visine prve etaže 3,75, te ostalih šest etaža po 3m.
Model prototipa projektiran je sukladno važećim propisima (EC2, EC8) koji se izvodi od
betona klase C30/37 i armira rebrastom armaturom B500B. Na osnovu takvog modela
prototipa, dobiven je stvarni (praktičan) model jednokatnog jednorasponskog armiranobetonskog
okvira u mjerilu 1:2,5 pri kojem su poštivana pravila skaliranja.
Na osnovu eksperimentalnih ispitivanja zidnih elemenata, uzoraka zidnog ispuna,
morta (ljepila) s kojim je zidan ispun, dobivene su osnovne mehaničke karakteristike istih, te
je izvršena podjela zidnog ispuna na jaki zidni ispun (od opečnih blokova MO10), srednji
zidni ispun (od opečnih blokova MO5) i meki zidni ispun (od porobetonskih blokova MO2,5).
Podjela je izvršena s ciljem da se vidi kako čvrstoća zidnih elemenata, odnosno zidnoga
ispuna utječe na ponašanje armirano-betonskih okvira sa zidnim ispunom.
Ispitano je ukupno 10 modela opterećenih vertikalnim stalnim opterećenjem na
stupovima na cikličko statičko horizontalno opterećenje. Ispitana su po tri modela od svake
vrste zidnoga ispuna i jedan model praznoga armirano-betonskog okvira. Također, ispitana su
i osnovna mehanička svojstva betona i armature od kojih su izrađeni modeli armiranobetonskih
okvira. Za takve modele armirano-betonskih okvira ispunjenih zidnim ispunom,
dobiveni su eksperimentalni rezultati koji su detaljno obrađeni u pogledu mehanizma sloma
zidnog ispuna, poprečne nosivosti, poprečne krutosti, histerezne energije (energija disipacije,
energija apsorpcije i koeficijent prigušenja) i kategorizacije oštećenja zidnog ispuna.
Analitički rezultati dobiveni su na osnovu postojećih modela i postupaka proračuna
armirano-betonskih okvira sa zidnim ispunom, te su uspoređeni s eksperimentalnim
Numerički rezultati dobiveni su primjenom numeričkog makro-modela pomoću kojeg
je modeliran zidni ispun (neelastični panel element). Ulazni podatci neophodni za proračun
modela, dobiveni su usklađivanjem s modelima iz eksperimenata. Numerički rezultati
korišteni su za analizu utjecaja ulaznih parametara na poprečnu nosivost, poprečnu krutost,
histerezne energije i sile u dijagonalama zidnog ispuna kod armirano-betonskoga okvira sa
zidnim ispunom.
Dodatna analiza provedena je na podešenom (kalibriranom) modelu. Promatrani su
sljedeći parametri: geometrija armirano-betonskog okvira, geometrija tlačne dijagonale,
čvrstoće dijagonale (zidnog ispuna), vertikalno opterećenje u stupovima, količine armature u
stupovima, poprečni presjek stupova, broj polja te način nanošenja horizontalnoga
S ciljem primjene rezultata u svakodnevnoj inženjerskoj praksi, predložena je metoda
linearnog proračuna armirano-betonskih okvira sa zidnim ispunom. Metoda analizira
armirano-betonski okvir sa zidnim ispunom kao sustav („okvir+zid“) i primjenjuje se za
dimenzioniranje sustava. Kontrola ponašanja modela ovako modeliranih konstrukcijskih
sustava pri djelovanju potresa, urađena je primjenom metode N2, tj. određivanjem ciljanog
pomaka u nelinearnom statičkom području. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis presents results of research, performed within a larger scientific project,
concerning reinforced concrete frames filled in with masonry. Currently available regulations
do not, in most cases, take into account masonry infill as a factor in structural analysis design;
if they do, however, the design is extremely complex. Scientific research has so far
indisputably confirmed the fact that masonry infill affects the structural behaviour of
reinforced concrete frames. This is primarily visible in frames' transverse load carrying
capacity and stiffness.
The thesis displays experimental research of reinforced concrete frames additionally
filled in with masonry. The reinforced concrete frame model has been designed based on a
prototype that is a rectangular reinforced concrete frame structure with floor plan dimensions
17x16 meters and the height of first floor 3,75 meters, with upper six floors 3 meters high.
The prototype model was designed according to current regulations (EC2, EC8), made out of
C30/37 concrete and B500B reinforcement. According to such a prototype, a real life model
of a one-story, one-span reinforced concrete frame was constructed in scale of 1:2,5,
following all the scaling rules.
Based on experimental testing of masonry elements, masonry infill specimens and
mortar (glue) used to build the infill, their main mechanical features were obtained and
subsequently used to distribute the masonry infill into three categories; high strength infill
(using brick blocks MO10), medium strength infill (using brick blocks MO5) and low
strength soft infill (using aerated autoclaved concrete blocks MO2.5). The division of infills
was designed aiming to find out the effect of masonry elements' (masonry infills') strength on
the behaviour of reinforced concrete frames with masonry infill.
Ten models were tested applying constant vertical load on columns and cyclical static
horizontal load. Three models were tested for each type of masonry infill as well as one model
of a reinforced concrete frame with no infill. Main mechanical features of concrete and
reinforcement used to build the models were also tested. Obtained experimental results for
these models of reinforced concrete frames with masonry infills were elaborated in detail
concerning the infill collapse mechanism, lateral load carrying capacity, lateral stiffness,
hysteretic energy (energy dissipation, energy absorption and attenuation coefficient) and
categorization of damage to masonry infill.
Analytical results, obtained based on existing models and structural analysis
procedures of reinforced concrete frames with masonry infill, were compared with
experimental results.
Numerical results were obtained by applying a numerical macro model that was used
to design the masonry infill (non elastic panel element). Input data necessary for this model's
structural analysis were defined by harmonization of experimental models' data. Numerical
results were used for impact analysis of input parameters on transverse load carrying capacity,
transverse stiffness, hysteretic energy and forces in the diagonals of the masonry infill within
a reinforced concrete frame with masonry infill.
Additional analysis was performed on a calibrated model. Following parameters were
observed: reinforced concrete frame geometry; compression diagonal geometry; diagonal
strength (of the masonry infill); vertical load in the columns; quantity of reinforcement in the
columns; cross-section of the columns; number of fields and methods of horizontal load
A method of linear structural analysis for reinforced concrete frames was proposed
with the aim to apply its results in everyday engineering practice. This method analyzes the
reinforced concrete frame with masonry infill as a system („frame+wall“) and it is used for
the system's dimensioning. The behavior of such structural systems’ models under earthquake
action was controlled performing the N2 method, namely, by determining target displacement
in the nonlinear static field. |